Now In Production!!!

What is Dirtland Saga?

Dirtland Saga is an all ages comic that follows the charismatic and dimwitted hero Misao through a weird and wacky adventure to discover the meaning of his existence.

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Main Cover Preview

This cover highlights the goofy blends of style you will see in the book.

Main Characters


A mutant born from a French fry with a surprising amount of knowledge, he just has no idea how to use it.


A living ball of dirt, hair and dust with a big smile and outgoing personality.

Shaman Seed

A living seed, maybe from a pack of hamster food? He's a spiritual leader and guide in the Western block of the Great Shag Forest.

Conception of the Idea

Long story short.

Misao, or Misto as he was first named, appeared in a series of comics my friends and I would draw in Junior High School, around 1997, called Stupid Stories, Raz-Ma-Taz and Relics To Relish. The comics made absolutely no sense, just images that made us laugh in loosely connected  panels.

His image stuck with me, and in 2000, while in animation college, I brought Misao back comic strip form, called The Dirt In Our Home. It was a more edgy and adult take on the character, I only made 3 strips and only one got published in the college paper.

Now, once again, I'm resurrecting the idea that made me laugh all those years ago and wrapping it in what I hope will be an entertaining and meaningful package.

Production Begins!

With the script only a few pages away from being done, I've started production on the art.

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